The upcoming NSD Candidates’ Night the evening of Tuesday, Oct 24, will deep dive into candidates’ ideas and abilities. The forum, organized by the North Shore Democrats of Travis County, will be held from 6-9 pm that evening, in the Bluebonnet Room, LV POA Activity Center (2601 American Drive).
The evening’s questions and discussion will neatly complement the recent Meet the Candidates, sponsored by the North Lake Travis Chamber of Commerce. Questions will be far ranging, covering infrastructure, recreation, governance, public transportation, fire prevention, municipal finances.
Each candidate will also receive a specially tailored question written just for him.
Confirmed candidates are (listed in alpha order of surname):
For mayor:
Jim Peck
Kevin Sullivan
Edward “Ed” Tidwell (incumbent)
For City Council, Place 1:
Arch Davila
Shane R Saum
For City Council, Place 3:
Rob Durbin (incumbent)
Dick Weatherly
For City Council, Place 5:
Paul Roberts (incumbent; unopposed)
Seating will be limited, so plan on arriving early.
The agenda follows:
6:00 pm Doors open. Please grab a seat in the Bluebonnet Room to help us begin on time. Be sure to grab handouts in the Primrose Room
6:10 pm Welcome & Introductions — Mike Killalea, NSD President, moderator
Moderator leads in the Pledge of Allegiance
Moderator introduces each candidate by name and position sought
Candidates draw to establish speaking order. Speaking progresses to the right of the first candidate until all have addressed the audience. On subsequent questions, the question will be posed to the candidate sitting to the right of the previous speaker. Speaking always progresses to the previous speaker’s right
6:15 pm Candidates’ time & questions
Candidates provide brief self-introduction (1 minute per candidate)
Moderator questions each candidate in turn. There will be 8-10 questions in this round, time dependent (2 minutes per candidate)
Process continues until all questions are exhausted
Final round features a single question for each candidate. Each question is tailored to individual candidates (2 minutes)
Wrap up: Each candidate makes final statement (1 minute)
9:00 pm Adjournment & social time
Moderator will adjourn the session
Please enjoy social time. Drinks and food offered in Primrose Room