The latest rulings in his New York fraud trial could not have gone worse for Trump, writes Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post. Judge Juan M Merchan turned thumbs down on nearly all Trump’s motions to exclude evidenced, while pretty much okaying the DA’s motions to excluded so-called evidence that Trump thought might be exculpatory, she wrote.
"That does not bode well for Trump’s chances to avoid conviction when the case goes to trial, likely in a few weeks,” Rubin concluded.
As an example of the ridiculous — and possibly desperate — motions orange man submitted included one to exclude testimony of former fixer Michael Cohen on the grounds Cohen is “a liar.”
Said the judge: “This Court has been unable to locate any treatise, statute, or holding from courts in this jurisdiction, or others, that support Defendant’s rationale that a prosecution witness should be kept off the witness stand because his credibility has been previously called into question.”
Trump’s lawyers can cross-examine Cohen at trial.