By Mike Killalea, NSD president
Today is the last day to register to vote. But if you are registering by mail in Travis County, be certain to get your mail-in registration form HAND CANCELED at an actual post office.
Getting timely postmarks for registration forms dropped on time into neighborhood collection boxes or blue postal boxes has been a hassle in Travis County for years, said TC Voter Registrar Bruce Elfant.
“For years, I have been seeking a solution with the U.S. Postal Service that would minimize the number of citizens unable to vote due to late postmarks,” Elfant said. “This year, through Congressman Doggett’s office, we received approval to allow Travis County Volunteer Deputy Registrars to set up voter registration drives at post office locations in different areas of the county until midnight on the Oct. 7, 2024, voter registration deadline.”
However, the post office reneged, as Doggett and Elfant learned late last week.
“To say that I am disappointed would be an understatement, but now we need to let those who still need to register to vote or update their addresses know what they should and should not do,” Elfant said.
Be sure to check your voter status at